Áiteanna Iargúlta – Niall Naessens

Gaeilge G
  • Sub Heading: Fócas Príomha/Focus Time Satharn Saturday 14:30pm
May 04 2024

Saturday / Dé Sathairn

2:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Venue / Áit

GreenLane Gallery
Holyground, Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland


Saothair Nua le Niall Naessens

Tá na híomhánna tírdhreacha a bhaintear den chuid is mó as topagrafaíocht Chiarraí Thiar maisithe le brionglóidí cuimhne agus le haireagán. Is cosúil go mbíonn an duine daonna, ealaíontóir go minic, ag tairiscint dúinn a ndearcadh a roinnt.

The landscape imagery extracted mostly from the topography of West Kerry is embellished with memory dreamsand invention. The human figure, often an artist ,occasionally appears bidding us to share their outlook.