- Apr 30 2023
- Expired!
Sunday / Domhnach
- 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Venue / Áit
In this his second talk at Feile na Bealtaine, Roger Stalley, fellow emeritus of Trinity College Dublin, will examine some of the more unusual features of the church at Kilmalkedar, explaining how its design relates to other buildings both in Ireland and elsewhere in Romanesque Europe. He will also consider how it was constructed and why such a fashionable building came to be erected at Kilmalkedar.
Roger Stalley is a fellow emeritus of Trinity College Dublin, where he was formerly Professor of the History of Art. He has had a life-long interest in medieval art and architecture, on which he has lectured extensively both in Ireland and abroad. He is well known to Irish audiences through his articles in the Irish Arts Review and his lectures to local historical and archaeological societies. He has published numerous books, his latest devoted to stone sculpture, Early Irish sculpture and the art of the high crosses (2020).