Waves, Fields, and Hawks (Eagles?).

Apr 28 2023 - May 01 2023

Friday / Dé hAoine - Monday / Dé Luain

All Day

Venue / Áit

An Díseart, Gairdín
Main St, Dingle

Focus Time/Am le diriú: Friday/Aoine 28ú: 4pm

Tonnta, Goirt agus Iolair. 

Artists: Rob Ireson, Abigail Joffe, Áine Ní Chíobháin

Venue: Various Locations in Dingle incl. Díseart Gardens

Amergin’s first incantation was about the unity and connection of all things.  Here are opportunities to imagine the past, present and potential futures of a rewilded world. We reimagine Dingle as a temperate rainforest and celebrate our place in it through a sonic odyssey. Listen, be curious, and find stillness in the din. 

Crann Dóite – Tegan Wilson

Websites: www.facebook.com/ainenich 




Other Information about the project. 


Temporary Collective name ideas: Gort 32


Áine Ní Chíobháin’s blurb: Amergin’s first incantation was about the unity and connection of all things.  We invite people to listen, be curious, and find stillness and harmony under the din. 

Rob Ireson’s blurb: 

We will utilise field recordings of animals to create sonic installations in unexpected places in order to create temporary ruptures in everyday; spaces to connect with the more than human world, opportunities to connect with our animal selves and imagine possible pasts and potential futures of a rewilded world.

These sonic interventions will feature field recordings, found sounds and manipulated sounds to re-imagine Dingle as a temperate rainforest. A sonic way to engage with nature that is already there and an opportunity to create dialogue around what may be possible.

Connected to these sonic installations Rob Ireson will run a creative deep ecology workshop for adults loosely based on the work of Joanna Macy and “The Council of all Beings” whereby

participants will have an opportunity to embody elements of our biodiversity.

This will include elements of bodily movement, nature-based mindfulness, role play and mask Making. This workshop is for over 18